late afternoon lake
What color is white anyway? Quintessentially white snow teases me endlessly.
The forecast is for loads of this white stuff.
I kind of live “up there”. Not “up there” for local New Hampshire folk who get away 2 hours’ drive north of here. But this place is boonies enough for me. And because I’m here in winter often on my own, Randy – the very kind man that plows my road – has been on my case to get a generator so he doesn’t need to worry when the electricity goes out, which does happen in bad storms. In winter, that means a cold, dark house. Not the same as the cozy cave I love to inhabit. So, finally, last year I had a generator installed. That installation was followed by the warmest winter on record.
So, now, it’s almost 2017 and … the white stuff is coming down. It’s then supposed to really blow strong gusty winds. Will my generator get to show it’s stuff to me in the next while??? (no white lies allowed).