Two days in a row. Polar opposites. How do we deal with unwanted, then – the so delicious?
Yesterday was colored by news I wish I hadn’t read. That information was not good. And it made me wish I hadn’t encountered it. Wish I hadn’t been “colored by it”.
How deeply we understand color. We know we carry its essence in our beings. How we feel – is it not so easily felt as a color? And can we not communicate that directly – “I’m feeling blue… I’m red-hot angry… that tickles me pink.” We recognize color.
But what about when, in fact, we don’t want to let that color in? Like the leaf with the wet rain water. Keep that wetness off – don’t absorb. Let it be beautiful in its own right. Translucent. But not penetrating.
AND then… it’s a new day. Friends arrive. Spirits lift. Art happens. And it’s feels soooo good. Yum.
Drink it in. Soak it up. All of it.
As Sallie Tisdale says, describing her experience of viewing art: To see the desired…that is not enough. One wants to consume it, make it part of oneself.
Merge. Be colored by it. Yes.
Two days…