the brain

(coming home late)

Yesterday, in my online art group, we were talking about how to determine which ways to participate in social media. The gist of it was to go for what you are good at/enjoy. Not what stresses you and depletes you.

So, fortuitously, I ran into this paragraph in Dalio’s book today, speaking of the physiology of the brain:

From conversations with experts… I learned that many of our mental differences are physiological. Just as our physical attributed determine the limits of what were are able to do physically – some people are tall and others are short… – our brains are innately different… As with our bodies, some parts of our brain cannot be materially affected by external circumstances (like the skeleton is not changed much by working out)…

Soon after, Dalio meets with the Dalai Lama and asks if he thinks spirituality and physiology are linked and the Dalai Lama did not hesitate to agree. I know that the Dalai Lama has worked closely with neuroscientists. But I was still surprised that he would agree right away.

So, yes, how do I participate in social media? I write my blog. But is that even social media? Hmmmmmmm. Really, I’m that short person standing on the sidelines of the basketball court of technology. Happy to watch the game.

And do my art. Not even low tech. No tech.

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