It’s evening. I’m looking through my translucent horses to that snow covered lake. Perfect backdrop.
It’s quiet. Good to be home. Good to feel the peace.
And also, glad that I was in Bath. That my winter months were spent near Nika and Scott and Cecilia. That I was surrounded by people in the most isolating time of year. That I found new friends, new paths, new possibilities. New options.
I’m the kind of person who could easily become ensconced. Never budge. Get to know one place really really really well. If this dear sweet baby hadn’t come along, I would likely be even more burrowed into this lake house.
But Cecilia did come. And I did leave. For longer than expected.
And now I’m going back. Back to Bath for a week. Carrying my new horses with me.
The ones I’m working on now.
Because I say:
Horses for Bath, too.