
I don’t know if you’ve come up with an idea that seemed so straightforward and then the journey is …. anything but that?

Years ago, as I’ve shared, I made art that I was reproduced on pillows. Since then, I created more art. This past winter when I was laid low with crummy Lyme and then a hip replacement, I thought, why not try putting my art on pillows again?

When making my art, I have complete control. For pillows, I need a seamstress. Time had passed and my wonderful seamstress from years ago was no longer working. So I took my fabric to Krystina in West Hartford, not sure what she’d think about it in that shi-shi town. She LOVED the designs, sewed them up and told me to bring in more. I did. “AMAZING!” And promised more pillows to be ready in 10 days. But then, no word. She spent the month of March unwell, and it was suddenly bridal season. My pillows did not have the urgent time line of her other customers.

But because of Krystina’s enthusiasm, I was off and running. I was caught up in the rediscovery of my art; I decided to share the explorations. I’m someone who loves reading about artists and why they did what they did when they did. I am fascinated by their insights along the way.

I considered, perhaps others might enjoy the unfolding of my different perspectives over time? The delights I’ve felt. Glimpses here and there.

I started writing/blogging again.

Now that I’m on this journey, I wonder, what am I doing? Where am I going? How:


And all the many practical variables I depend on for help from others: the seamstress /now tailor; thank you, George. The materials, the timing. This, that, and the other.

I share this with you. And I thank you for sharing this journey with me. You, on your own journey.

(and the little birds on theirs – they’ve flown. Off in the wide, wide world!)

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