
This is Peaches. Riding the waters. Riding the “whelm”.


There doesn’t seem to be any rolling wave action here, does there?

But, in some sense, do you feel as if we’re all riding a forward momentum together? We don’t want to let the wave ride over us/ overwhelm. But we might be okay, sometimes with gentle underwhelm, agreed?

When I first started doing Tai Chi in 2001, I was not impressed by this set of Chinese movements that had been done for centuries and handed down in lineages. What was the significance of that? Why do it?

Years and years later, as I practice the form, I feel as if I’m riding on water. It feels effortless, but I feel this energy that flows through me and seems to build as I move in and out, like the tide, through one part and then the next. And finally, l feel it let go as I wait, wait, and wait until a-a-ah, the chi settles.

But along with the sense of chi momentum, I also feel as if I’m tapping into something that has been done and done and done over time, and that I’m joining that ocean of energy.

Afterwards, I go outside and bob around on the actual water. I can see others that are playing or riding across the lake. And I imagine the years and years ago when others long ago dipped into this same lake for fun or transport. I sense the chi of this place, this water. Riding it’s “whelm”, I call it.

Was the water this deep? Were the clouds this multiple? Was the sun this warm?

Times change and the surge of energy rides on. On this lake. On this earth.

Lucky us to feel it’s support.


Don’t you agree?

And, yes. And then, to rest. In gentle…

What a blessing.

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