where was I?

Hunter and Lynn and Artemis left this morning. Which means the 4 year old is no longer here, keeping the tempo UP! And distracting me full time from thinking about anything more important than being 4.

Amanda is away. It’s just serious son Samsun here, working hard because he does. He works hard.

I just pulled the now washed bed sheets and towels out of the dryer. And I just visited Hope, who is helping me sew my pillows. Pillows?

Oh yeah, pillows. I almost forgot. Those pillows and totes. My art.

Where WAS I when I was so joyously interrupted?

I love the break. The distraction. BUT before I get back to actually re-engaging in my former concerns, let me share one of our most wonderful moments of – shall we call it distraction?

I was out of sight in my kayak with Peaches when Hunter and Artemis jumped in the other one. Hunter knew I always headed into the wind and across the lake, and even though they couldn’t see me, Artemis was sure I could hear him. Nanaaaaa! Naaaaana! He shouts and shouts.

Hunter was totally right about my location, and it wasn’t long before I was within sight if not sound. We turned around began paddling back home together, Artemis with his own special paddle to help. Then we noticed a bird circling overhead.

It circled closer and closer to the water. A bald eagle. We watched as it as it glided down with extended talons and snatched a not-so-small fish out of the water and soared back up to land on a high branch in a nearby tree to enjoy its catch.

We stopped. It was so close to us! Breathtaking.

Why don’t I have my camera with me? I asked Hunter. She assured me, the whole scene would have been too tiny to show up (even zoomed in). Our eyes see so much better and we don’t realize it until we try to record this kind of moment.

It happens. It’s stunning. And we paddle back to the dock.

Still thinking about that moment.

The moment that will stay with us.

Even as we do what comes next.

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