quiet Squam

Are you noticing the longer nights? The shorter days? Do you live where it gets really dark at night?

That’s one thing I love about Squam. You feel the seasons. I was out in my kayak with Peaches this morning. A loon popped up right next to us and then did his (or her or their) whoowuhwhoo! And then another whoooowuwhoooo! before its mate answered back with a briefer version from a short distance. Just making sure you’re close by, one was surely saying to the other.

It’s quiet. Soul nourishing on the lake. Me and Peaches and the birds.

My neighbor David asked me how much longer I’d be staying up here. I’m not sure. In the dead of winter, it’s not a good idea. But I love Squam and hate to leave at all.

Other years, when the lake gets quiet, I’ve felt very alone. But now that I’m posting and sharing, I feel my friends and family when I’m writing. I’m sending out my little helloooooo! and even as I’m writing, I’m thinking of you. I feel so nurtured.

Which is what I want my art to do for you.

If you’re feeling like this

or like this:

I want it to be with and move you through the seasons: those outer and those inner. Yes. Caring for all the horses of the mind that affect your experiencing of the world.

You know those horses, right?

As does Peaches (just dreaming).

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