this not that

Do you have something you’d rather not talk about? You don’t want to talk about it AND you kind of suspect the other person isn’t all that interested. Especially if it’s been asked. And asked.

That’s lyme. If you’ve had it for a long time and you KNOW at some point you will get past it….But it didn’t happen yesterday and it’s not happening tomorrow, even if you are slowly healing. It takes a long time because the darn stuff hides. Layers of hiding bad stuff, it’s slow to clear out.

Meantime, you’ve learned to cope. My neighbor David was surprised to hear I had lyme. He couldn’t tell. I don’t limp. I kick around the lake. I kayak. I walk. No more running, but I’m not as young as I once was, so that wouldn’t be a clue, necessarily. “You have lyme?” Ugh. I don’t want to talk about it.

So, with this unfun disease, I am pointedly aware of what IS fun. And, I have to say, it’s heightened my appreciation for spending time with my art. I use the term “with” because I’m now getting ready to put reproductions of it out into the world, which, frankly scares me at times. But thanks to, yes, you: Paula, I have my pedal to the metal.

Go! She tells me. Keep going. Every tech aspect of setting up a shop online is like second nature to her. She has the skills. And also, this very kind attitude towards my sometimes less than optimal input for different parts that are in my hands: i.e. the ways that I first described each piece I’m offering on totes – which will be the first way I’ll offer my reproduced art. Hmmmmmmm, she responds. Okay, try again.

I’ve never done anything like this. My grandmother learned how to swim when she was 70. And then went on to teach her new skill to the local children who spent days out on the ocean in fishing boats. Admirable, right?

I doubt I’ll be teaching anyone. I’ll be happy to get from here to there. I’ll be, well, excited to see how this unfolds.

Whew! I’m talking about my art, my art in reproductions. Art!

You’ve successfully done this, right? You’ve steered a conversation. Let’s talk about THIS

and this.

You’re in the conversation you love.

You are.

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