Winter is here… almost.
Birds are flocking. Ready to fly… almost.
It’s time for me to go to Connecticut… almost.
It’s Mercury retrograde. The weather has been terrible. I was not looking forward to leaving here. But this weather has me thinking, it’s not a good idea to stick around. I’m convinced… almost.
Do you ever feel that way? Everything points at a certain direction but you hold on. You should be persuaded. You know the right answer. You are… well, almost. If almost was a way to be. That’s where I am.
And honestly, there are so many ways to love almost.
Here is a different version of running horse. It’s full of stitches and loose threads. You can see how imperfect it is. But I love it. I love that it’s almost there. I even wonder if I don’t care for it more, just because of that.
I am attracted to artists who show the work along the way: the erasures. The lines drawn over lines. Paint behind paint. The evolution of the process.
The whole idea of almost.
As I shovel and move snow and then new weather comes… I’m constantly thinking – I’m almost ahead of this weather that is forecast. Always… almost.
Perhaps you know this feeling? Watching the unfolding as you anticipate. You’ll nail it this time.
Right Peaches?
I understand… almost. (just a bit wet right now)