Galloping across the miles. From state to state. Traveling. Traveling. Traveling.
You get there. You’ve made it and then… you wait for your soul to catch up. That piece of wisdom I credit to what I read was an indigenous cultural understanding of the travel experience.
True for me. Except in this tiny boat size space I live in here in Bristol, it will take quite a bit of doing and undoing to settle my soul. I left here not that long ago for NH, but all the little things: the food I stored, the supplements I left, etc. etc. – are they the same now? Of course not.
Do you feel that way sometimes? It wasn’t that long ago, but it feels like a lifetime between when you left and when you return? And you’re paraphenalia is not all the same. Clear out the old. Make room for the new.
The 550 million things that involves, right? At least that many. That’s how it feels.
Let’s take a break:
We leave COLD New Hampshire to find …. wha-a-a-t? Snow covered woods of Connecticut. Ice covered and snow covered lake. Peaches LOVES it!
(Here she is in the open meadow that runs alongside the end of the small lake:)
All those millions of things to do? Let’s run! Let’s celebrate this moment. YAY!