my sandbox

Do you recall a favorite activity as a child? Perhaps a large mound of sand that was deposited in your backyard and refreshed annually? A blank slate where you could create your own world?

I remember hours and hours spent sculpting the sand into roads and fields and houses, toy cars and animal figurines, sticks and stones for support. My older sister was a master at landscape creation, and my older brother had a cool toy tractor. My next youngest sister could have cared less. But I was mesmerized by this world that was constantly being created and recreated.

Years later, I’m still playing in my sandbox.

Outside my sandbox, life can be less fun at times.
As already mentioned, I have Lyme. No one would or should want that. On of my wonderful Lyme practitioners, Jennifer, has been encouraging me to share my journey. I’ve always been a health food/healthy life nut and proud of that… so it’s humbling to be struck by a disease that isn’t easily curable if caught years late. But my tenacity is what drew Jennifer to me, she confided. How could she not take me on when I shared with her how determined I was to get to the other side? And, in turn, she prepared me for the rough ride I’d have while taking the homeopathics she prescribed. Rough ride is just words til you’re living it.

But Jennifer is an example of the kind of incredible person I’ve met on my Lyme journey. I fall down a hole, cry ouch, and she can say – yes, this is part of it – let others know. You’re on your way.

Support. Encouragement. Care. What each of us needs. All along the way.

AND (dun-da-dun !) what I add to that: the sandbox.

And for any of you that are missing a sandbox, I welcome you to mine.

Come play with me.

Let it all go.

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