word play

What does the word art mean, anyway? When you hear it, do you think of a Georgia O’Keefe painting or a MIchelangelo work – something FAMOUS? Or is it more amorphous for you: the way you live your life, the design of your garden, the special furniture piece, the imported rug… something you create? Something you find?

When I applied for art school, I sent in my most prized paintings. Of my dog. My studio. My self.

When I got there, it was like walking through a maze where – one turn I got nowhere. Another, I was discovering this and then that. How to make a line create depth. How to let colors play off each other. How to engage the viewer with incompletion – that their eyes and mind would do that for you. The western tradition of perspective; the eastern tradition of moving through space. It was an exploration with no end. How to see. Really see. I LOVED it.

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