small blessings/Squam late summer

Who doesn’t want to feel good?

Or for summer never to end? I was just out doing my time in the lake, bobbing in my inner tube, sensing the cooler and warmer spots, but loving the chance to be in for a length of time. Warm temperatures in September? I feel blessed.

Life does not always feel so good to me. With Lyme, one day I wake up feeling rested and, yes, blessed. The next or maybe a while later, I’ll have a challenging night- or more – and wake up feeling cursed. And my mind has a heyday with that. Why is this happening? Is it the season? Is it something I ate? Something I did? Or thought? On and on. If there’s one thing Lyme is teaching me, it’s my lack of control. AND how much I care about that.

All summer, my Lyme seemed to be not so bad. And then, it went south, so to speak. I was knocked off kilter. This time it was pretty obviously a remedy that was prescribed incorrectly. Without the supporting detox needed. And it was an unfortunate misstep.

At the same time, the outdoor temperatures dropped. The lake felt colder and colder. Thankfully, Ariella and Ramzi were here while I was tailspinning, before I knew how to catch myself. It’s no fun to be witnessed in a down time. Yet, those downs have been part of the ride.

Really, the saving grace for me through this last while – since spring, when I decided to focus on my art versus letting Lyme be all I thought about – has been that art. I have never realized the potency of it before. I can be struggling. But when I’m creating or writing about my art, I feel soothed. Nurtured. Immersed in something I love.

So much of our early education is about how 1 + 1 = 2.

But so much of life is not that way.

It slips in and out of our control.

But then we do find our way. Somehow. We find what feels good and allows us to ride the downs.

For me it’s art.

And yes, because it’s so true for me, I’m convinced it’s true for you. If you create it or if you treasure it. And, I’m guessing, you have your own art.

You do, right?

Your blessing.

(post-swim Peaches)

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