Do you ever feel as if the opposite season is SO FAR away? When the ground is HARD and – in Virginia, of all places! – covered in white. Do you yearn for green? More green than is offered by the evergreens, you want the shifting multitudinous greens of summer.

(front and back of standing horse scarf)
The greens of hot weather. So hot you must find water. Water to cool off in, play in.
Years ago, it was one of those hot, humid afternoons of warm months in Charlottesville. A friend and I decided it was the perfect day to go inner tubing down a river, something I’d enjoyed doing in Colorado and Vermont. Not yet Virginia. We located the river on the map and drove and drove up, high into the mountains. We parked the car alongside the highway, found our way to find our river, and floated.
Well, this was remote. As we floated along, we saw very few houses and from those we did, the people didn’t come out and wave us on, as we had experienced elsewhere. After a number of hours and a lot of time passing by only green foliage, we pulled ashore and hiked/ bushwhacked our way back to the highway. After hiding our tubes (to pick up later), we waited for someone to give us a ride, my usual way of returning to my car. We waited and waited. And waited.
We were not known in that mountainous area. We were not picked up. It was a long tromp back to our vehicle.
When we got there we were tired. And we were hungry. We were definitely not dressed well – I was barefoot.
So… we considered where we might get a bite of delicious food dressed as we were. Our decision: the fanciest restaurant in town: the Angus Steak House. It was so dimly lit that they didn’t even notice my feet. And the salad with blue cheese dressing and that baked potato. They tasted good.
Sometimes, you want to be lost in foliage. Cooled down in green. Other times, let the dim light camouflage you.
Or accent another area. Wear a red scarf? Do you agree?

As for Peaches…

Cold weather? Frozen water. The colder the better!
“I never see green!”