loving color/playing with words

Who doesn’t love to play? For me…I love to play with color. And I love to play with words.

(close up of word play: whelm/underwhelm)

I work with silk: that I dye and paint as my art form. And I know that this precious material comes from China. And that art in China has a whole different history than ours : from their sense of perspective to how it was created to how it has been appreciated. I know also that the way I dye my silk is traditional which is Asian, but this time ancient Japanese.

So I’m particular about the colors I create. I want them to be just right. Exact.

Now I’m offering my designs of scarves. These colors have to be reproduced. AND some are more difficult than others, I’ve learned.

It is NOT easy to reproduce blue, apparently. This was the fourth try. And finally! I love it.

Today, I was in for a session of chi gong with Dr. Wu. I’m now seeing the benefits of his tai chi for healing my Lyme. So of course, I take a chi gong class as well.

Tai chi is a long form of movements whereas chi gong is a series of short movements aimed to heal different areas or aspects – like certain organs, or the whole circulatory/skeletal. Intermittently, while leading chi gong, he will talk about how this move helps the kidney or that helps the spleen, and, most importantly how all are working on boosting the immune system.

After class today a woman came in to buy some herbs from him. She knew him and had a list of what she wanted. She was dealing with a bone issue. And then asked about an item he had mentioned to her earlier : bird’s nest. I was sure it was an expression.

In fact, it’s a remedy that’s been used for thousands of years to keep your bones strong. A pound of it sells for $4000. Guess why? It’s actually made from bird saliva. The birds use their saliva to hold their nests together. Who would have thought of considering it as good for human health? Birds nest. Two words I expected to be metaphorical.

I wonder, what color it is?

red – ish?
maybe yellow? but not this yellow, right?

I just do not know… isn’t it time to come pat me? – Peaches