February – come and gone, almost

February turned out far differently than I had expected. Health issues came up and took my attention and energy, but the journey was revealing as dis – eases can sometimes be. This one concerned energy that was held. Thank goodness for eastern medicine and thank goodness for intuitive friends and thank goodness for all the […]

white coming

One of the joys and delights of living in New England is its range of color, thanks to the weather. At this time of year, the brilliance of the leaves has faded and it’s only a matter of time before white coats the world. For this very reason, the forecast rises in importance. This morning […]

light leaving

It’s early November, late in the afternoon. By late, I mean four o’clock for the first photo. Five by the last. The darkness wraps around the cozy house at night. No street lamps. Quiet. Even in the subdued light by the fire, it’s full of ~

not trying

This is my first post since my trip overseas and it’s taken this long to get a sense of what I would blog about: I hadn’t expected that I would be so affected by getting away from this country. I was away from the internet, away from time pressure, away from the need to “be […]

how to become a better person – part 3

Okay, so the search continues. There will be an upcoming 3 week hiatus as I head overseas for more information. Clearly, there is always a need for more ideas in the search to become a better person, right? Meantime, I leave my dear Portuguese pup, Rumi, here to be his deep and profound self. Here […]

how to become a better person – part 2

How to become a better person? The search goes on. If I notice what makes me feel better that might help the next person become better, perhaps? This morning I put 3 shades of yellow on this large piece of silk and felt uplifted, transformed. Was it the color? Was it a personal experience or […]

how to become a better person

Isn’t this what many persons want to know? When my son was in his early teens, I would concoct this very healthy drink, full of Spirulina and lemon juice and other supremely healthy ingredients. Again and again, I would offer it to his friends, advising, “Don’t you want some? This will make you into a […]

the lake

I created this blog to share with you my life as an artist. And what I am realizing is that I create art slowly. As I create my art, I look out on Squam Lake. It in itself is worth sharing. Day by day, it changes. Also slowly. I believe that is part of it’s […]

creating art

For years I have been creating art. But always, I wonder how to create my art. One of my first teachers was Japanese and I feel his influence in the pieces I am now painting. In Japanese ink painting, there is no correcting, it’s all in the moment: one endeavors to paint a circle. If […]