
(heron flying away) When I was a child, I had recurring dreams of falling. I’d fall off a cliff. And then float. I might be scared to fall, but then once I was in the air, I was at ease. Relaxed. Just held somehow. I feel as if that is what took place for me […]
no dyeing today

It’s been a while. I stretched the silk on the frame, all ready to dye the strips that would “frame” those horses – finally finish the piece. But then… I was up in the garden, pushing more beet seeds into the ground (I’ve never had a problem growing beets. What’s with this crop?) and I […]
all fall down

“Ring around the rosies….All fall down.” Oh for nursery rhymes… But yes, last Wednesday I “all fall down”. I ended up spending the day in the ER because I had collapsed from dehydration. It’s how many days later (?) and I’m still very low energy. Today was the first morning I woke up when I […]
the act of vision

The human gaze is not the closed, fixed view of a camera but is creative and constructive. Both the gaze that sees and the object that is seen construct themselves simultaneously in the one act of vision. ~ John O’Donohue, “Beauty” Right now the photo above shows a piece of wet cloth on the hill […]
what makes a good day

At different times, I think about what I might consider to be the, well – the ideal day. I think of this when my days are less than ideal, and I want that other image for reference – what, in fact, do I want so much? And, it’s easy to think of it in a […]
slo mo

I was reading an article about how the internet breeds impatience. We get answers so fast; we get orders so quickly; we expect results NOW. I swear, the weeds in my garden must be linked up: they seem to be zipping up tall with that same speed. I’ve been spending a LOT of time in […]

Randy, the guy with the truck (what guy here is not with a truck?) has been promising me for weeks that he would deliver my mulch. I finally texted him: “when?” and it arrived the next day. He apologized; he’d been out working on an island for 3 weeks. So now it’s here. My mulch. […]
not/knot(?) what it seems

These Japanese knotweed specimens are about 5″ in length. Most of the stem is underground and will break off from the root with the slightest tug. And then the knot remains in the soil, so happily ready to go deeper and to regenerate upwards again – to proceed to become impossible to eradicate. The leaf, […]
summer ahead

I dug out my planters – buried in the garage so they wouldn’t split from the freezing cold of winter. I popped the impatients into them: ready to celebrate another glorious season ahead. Summer! The planters are back in place next to the water. I also put in 36 black-eyed susans along the rugged super […]
different realities

I recently attended a gathering in Maine. The eloquent speaker started out with a quote. I’m sure I was not alone in hearing her words describe our current world. In fact, she was quoting lines written almost 70 years ago. Same words. Same reality? That is where the surprise came in – how different are […]