some days

Some days… Some days I create so much that doesn’t work. These pieces – no good. And I could have predicted, when I was cutting them, that they would not turn out well. I can tell. If I’m off. If something is not right. If I’m trying but not present. Any or all of the […]

called red

This is my favorite tree. Okay. One of my favorite trees. It’s name? Redbud. Red? It’s never red. Or my idea of red. It’s not red in the bud, it’s not red when it blooms. And I love it anyway. I love my redbud. The tulips I put in last fall, they are full of […]

bucolic walks

I had one of those bucolic walks with my friend Jan this afternoon. Jan, who I just met – is it 3 (4?) years ago. We were in a yoga class – where we didn’t really meet. We shared a space. But once we met, on our first bucolic lakeside walk, it was as if […]


Why do the birds come flying north? Why do the animals get all frisky? Why do people jump on bicycles, drive more slowly, head up mountains? Why do bodies linger outside, lie on lawns, wander along the shore? Why do we hear laughter fill the air and smell yummy smells wafting by? Why do we […]

macro and micro

I hate to travel. Hate it. Before hand, I’m exhausted with dread. And inevitably there is some major unexpected guffaw in the plans or the journey. This time – I was heading out to see my son, Samsun graduate – the plane was not at the runway. Two hours later it had still not left […]

being right

Don’t you hate it when someone is right? Especially if it’s bad news? Especially. Two days ago I was in the bicycle shop buying this really great used bicycle. It’s finally warm enough to get outside and play. The great shop owner/seller, Slade, says, “Yeah, I’ve been doing all the outside fix-up I need to […]

what happened?

Spring! That’s what happened. That’s why I didn’t write for a while. That’s what’s still happening. With the help of wonderful Kristin, I updated my web-site front photos. But mostly I just got buried in my art. With all this light and new energy and with all the 500 mittens and scarves and coats and […]

oh happy day

Do you know that gospel song? : (Edwin Hawkins feat. Shirley Miller – Oh Happy Day) Can you NOT be moved by that song? Can you not be affected totally affected by that song? I’m not saying religious conversion, although that could surely do it. I’m saying: her conviction in the words, the beat, the […]

time belief

Can you see the rain coming in on the right? Spring can be so dramatic. And so welcome. Time. I wait and wait and cannot wait for the warm lift of spring. And now: it’s here! It’s that time. And my feeling? It’s like I’ve dropped down a rabbit hole. I’m here. The world is […]

the doing

(screens up: good) (rain:….) Next Tuesday, my dear pup is getting spayed. A good thing. But for the week afterwards she is supposed to not run. NOT RUN? She’s a puppy! So today was wet. (she is also not supposed to get wet) I thought, let’s start to “practice” being calmer. Let’s not go for […]