
One day later ~ Look at the reflections. This is what has been missing for so long. The sky, the light of the sky in the water. As I’m pouring over this book on Caruncho, I understand now why water is so compelling in his gardens. He works in southern Europe away from the coast, […]

green and green

I’ve been raving about spring green lately. The green you see above is not that one, not the sharp new green that appears with the first leaves and grass. This is a subtler woods undergrowth hue; the kind of tone that you find on the forest floor. Pure comfort. And it’s also perhaps the most […]

veni vidi me vicit

(ice turning grey as it melts) Do you know that all-time famous quote: “Veni vidi vici”? Beginners Latin. Does anyone teach that anymore? Regardless, it means: “I came, I saw, I conquered.” Supposedly those were Caesar’s words on returning to Rome after conquering France. Now, how many hundreds of years later, I say: ” Veni […]

setting up the rules

These are left-over pieces of silk dyed for my last piece. It’s hard to tell from how they are piled up that they are translucent. And in the piece that is slowly formulating, the whole point of it will be the translucency. Light. I thought I was allowing this piece to organically taking shape. But […]

coming from

I’m forever checking out books on art, as you doubtless know by now. A while ago I found this tome put out by the Metropolitan Museum of Art called The Artist Project. It was entertaining to peruse. It shows the piece each artist chooses out of the whole museum and then that artist’s explanation for why that […]


After I posted my blog a few days ago on Caruncho, I heard from a dear friend that I was defending masculine design. I thought, yes, I was sharing my appreciation for understanding it. But then I let the comment slide. Or so I thought. But it’s been hovering in the background as I’ve been […]

New Hampsha

If someone had told me when I moved to New Hampshire that I would be here for five years (and counting..), I would not have believed them. I was planning on three months. But no. My life has taken its own course. And – although I knew I loved the summers – I am now […]

“What’s in a Line? Everything”

The title of this blog is copied from a review of the Cy Twombly show in NYC. It’s so ironic that I should read about his art right after sharing my understanding of Caruncho. As much as the landscape designer is using clear geometric shapes in his work, you’d be hard pressed to find any […]

straight line?

I mentioned Fernando Caruncho in an earlier blog as the eminent landscape designer. I admit that the one element that I did not immediately relate to in his gardens was the use of many straight lines. I have been accustomed to Olmstead and other designers who mirror nature with their fluid curves. But Caruncho’s gardens […]

Aaaugh April!

A kind friend asked me about the weather here now. The weather? Asking me? Small joke – I’m ALWAYS talking about the weather. I grew up on a farm. Riding horses, mowing hay, playing in the darn sandpile: weather mattered. So, yeah, now I have a pup. We’re outside a lot. In the weather. But […]