March 1!

We made it to March. Did you remember to say, “Rabbit Rabbit” before anything else???? Congratulations! You now guaranteed yourself good luck for the next 31 days. Who knows what would have happened if you forgot! Advice? You want to remember advice. But superstition. You MUST remember. “Come in the same door you go out.” […]

okay already

You recall way back when – when you were in school and you were looking forward to recess? Or the end of the school day? And then, you realize, man, I have another class? You know, that kind of structure that you felt stuck in. Well, that’s the way this weather (more snow) feels like […]

don’t pass up the chance

Years ago, before moving into a house with my husband and four children (when they were small), I contacted Tom, an interior designer. This friend with a fancy house had recommended him. Tom came by, took one look at the house and told me, “You don’t need me. You need all the guys who do […]

stay on it

Not a great photo, this one. It’s of an embroidery I did a while ago. Each of the girls is thinking about something different. Focussing here there and everywhere. That’s me. I’m in my end of work on a piece phase. Lots of details. Glueing (yes glueing) in an attempt to hold the pieces on […]

as the pup does

Peaches loved this cold winter. Now it’s warming up a bit : she’s found a mound of snow to stay cool. Me? I’m happy to be a bit warmer. I look at my pup and think she and I are so different. For example, we are out walking on some trail – no one is […]


I don’t know why I have the pup adorning a piece I titled “slowly”. Momentarily she’s still. But slowly? That’s rarely her style of movement. By contrast, it’s my pace of producing art. I take a lot of time. Lot of time. In the latest Art in America, there’s an article called “Slow Painting”. They […]


(Peaches: Not more cloth prep. Sheesh!) The longer time I spend making art, the nuttier the journey can seem. For example, some of the ways that I think I need to prepare my cloth. Ridiculous. To back up a bit, I was (again!) listening as I was driving down the snowy country road, and they […]

a little off

I woke up today all hot and bothered. Not a bit like the image above with its delicate details of snow blowing across the ice. More like – it’s been too long not doing art. Two days and I’m bent out of shape… I was listening while riding in the car, and they were talking […]


Part of the landscape’s mind – it’s memories, connections, rhythms – is…held in human consciousness ~ David George Haskell’s, The Songs of Trees. When I found this place on Squam Lake 30 years ago, I fell in love with the old boathouse. It was on, really on, the lake. What I didn’t seem to notice at the […]

how many —- artists does it take?

I was up on a ladder using this new kind of suction cup thing to unscrew a light bulb. I finally noticed I’d disconnected the bulb part from the socket. I phoned my fix-it friend and he advised me to use needle nose plyers. They worked. And I thought to myself, “How many dumb artists […]