
I was so thrilled that I got such an early start on my day – cloth on the hill just soaked with dye. And then…. I hear in the not so distant range, this high-pitched “beep – beep – beep”! I think to myself, “No! Not my driveway!” I had placed a bright red cooler […]

what color

I have my ideas about the color of water. The water that I know. Water that I remember. But what color is water, anyway? According to O’Donohue, Colour is the language of light. And water is more affected by light than anything, doesn’t it seem? I took the photos (above) of the same body of water […]

moving into

Moving into fall. It’s the time of year where color is noticed. I mean noticed. Not that we aren’t super happy at the first shoot of green in the spring. Or delighted by the color of tulips, roses, peonies come summer. Of course. Of course. But fall? What is fall except this light show on […]

colored by

Two days in a row. Polar opposites. How do we deal with unwanted, then – the so delicious? Yesterday was colored by news I wish I hadn’t read. That information was not good. And it made me wish I hadn’t encountered it. Wish I hadn’t been “colored by it”. How deeply we understand color. We […]


Did I ever tell you about my horse named Nydia? She was trained for competition in England before she came to us – my childhood family. She had been schooled for steeple chase but was sold because she was too high-strung. She would do well on our long, leisurely rides through the woods, we thought. […]


September 27th: it’s hot outside. All summer we had cool weather. Rain. And now, the crowd has gone. The lake is a mirror of calm. And it’s just me, swimming. I feel like I’m in heaven. My sister, Julie, who lives in Virginia, once said: “It’s not summer til you can’t move.” It’s not summer […]

noticing the shift

Color is the language of light…Light is the greatest unnoticed force of transfiguration in the world: it literally alters everything it touches… ~John O’Donohue, “Beauty” If you were able to see this orange cloth where it is lying now – if you could walk around and witness it straight on – you’d notice the grey […]

kamikaze cloud

I don’t know why but that cloud looks to me like it’s moving headlong into the mountain. Whump! No really, it’s a sweet fluffy cloud. Not like some thoughts that can run around with such abandon. “Listen to me!” “Listen to me!” Listen to me!” Then evening comes. It’s quiet and I look out at […]

no apologies, but otherwise …

I’m starting a new piece. Large. I just let the gallery in DC know that I’d take them up on their invitation to hang another work on their 30 foot wall next spring. And I’m just hatching my idea. Every time I take a moment, images are morphing in my mind: when I’m running, when […]

staying back

It’s a calm day. Beautiful. Warm even, after a summer when it’s been much cooler than usual. It’s a day to go out, be on the water, in the water, relaxing. Or to do art, uninterrupted. I think back on one of my mother’s favorite stories about her grandfather. It would be a day such […]