show me the way

Show me the way! Guide me down the path! Otis is waiting. He’s very clear that he’s ready to go and that I am to take him out. I lead him. I know the way. In fact, several days ago, I took him on a walk with my friend. I love steep, but she was […]

water rising

A lot of what I’ve heard about in the last while is the oncoming hurricane. My dear friend, Kristin has been here. Her home is in southwest Florida. Water. Rising water. And here I am dyeing fabric and what I want is … water. The feel of water. The sense of being wet . That […]


It’s green out still. Muggy. It reminds me of Virginia, my childhood. Where it wasn’t really summer until you couldn’t move. That was summer. Humid. Hot. Slow. I loved it then: running barefoot til your feet were tough. And playing endlessly in the huge sand pile. Whole worlds would be created. Come alive. In the […]


BEFORE AFTER In between: Bedlam. Change is not an aspect of the matrix but the matrix itself. It is because nothing is permanent that we are not separated from anything… ~Sallie Tisdale I LOVE that. Here we are on the brink of an eclipse. Change. Looking at something sooooo far away. And it’s not separate. And […]

on and on and on

On and On and ON and On the Water… How we want to spend our summers: lying down on the tippy bow of the fast-moving sailboat, looking into the depths of the ocean as the water splits open under you: that swirling, shifting, swooping wetness, every so often sparkling with a shaft of sun. That’s […]

the light

When I started this piece, my intention was to work with dark and light. I’d done the rich color: now, I thought, how about an absence of color…? I thought I’d put 1/2 light next to 1/2 dark. But the light – the light was so much stronger than the dark. I started to take […]

your path

I was reading this Sallie Tisdale essay about writing and teaching writing and I quote it here with the idea that the same, THE SAME thoughts can go to art: A recent textbook says: “For your writing to improve, you must learn to read like a writer”. I believe it would be better to write […]

what doesn’t get done

I’m not showing you the whole garden. I’m showing you one peach because all around it looks to me like A MESS. The plants just keep growing. And blooming. I’ve had peas since July 1 and they are STILL coming. A month of peas? Isn’t that surreal? Let’s not mention the other vegetables and fruits… […]

the other end of the

All winter long I had time alone. Lots and lots of time alone. Good for art. And for dreaming about summer. Summer full of friends and family. Full of people. And yes, here I have it. I have that summer that I dreamed about. In spades. I have so many people coming and going, more […]


aaaahh. This is the life. Quiet. Sun. A good book. And yet? This moment follows the day Ariella and I drove 11 hours back from Toronto (thanks to a 2 hour wait on the border). And, in a short while, there is the trip to her plane today… another 3 hours round-trip drive. But doesn’t […]