minutes in a day
I took this photo at 5 AM. Early. Quiet. I’ve been waking up at that hour in the past few days because it’s already light out. It feels like: time to get up. The days at this time of year are so much longer with the light coming early and lasting late. So where does […]
early morning
I picked the tulips yesterday. In the early morning light, they were mirroring the colors in my art. Outside coming in, inside matching out. I was just reading (in David Hinton’s book, Hunger Mountain) about the Chinese graph for the word sincerity: it’s the image of a man right next the the image for words; i.e. […]
throwing out the baby
These plants are being discarded. NO! I DO NOT want them. Get out of my garden! There is a saying a friend of mine shared with me: ” If you throw the baby out with the bath water, don’t worry: the baby will always come crawling back”. Yesterday was one of those days when I […]
What I see outside and what I’m doing inside… I look at water, day in and day out. And years ago when I used to spend long hours, day after day, sailing boats, I also would look at water. One of my favorite places was to lie on the bow of the boat and look […]
pay attention to your focus
I mean, really, what secrets are these ferns sharing??? So quiet… Yesterday, the topic of where you focus came up in my online art group. AND sure enough… there it was in the book I’m reading this morning. It’s so àpropos and so over the top, I can’t resist sharing. It’s from Diana Wynn Jones’s […]
For some reason the phrase, “God is in the details” was running through my mind when I was looking at the glory of the trumpets on each of these daffodils. Resplendent. In a British gardening magazine I get, there was an article on a spread of daffodils in England that was so affecting that it […]
the wider view
Unexpectedly, two friends arrived for the weekend this Friday. No, not the 2 pups. Not the 2 boats. Although all these were part of the good times together. I had been focussing in and down in when they arrived. My world view was narrowed to art, hike, garden… Small range. I wasn’t aware of how […]
What about the opposite of feeling compelled to create no matter what? What about the opposite of being amazing at something? What about the opposite of going full speed? This morning I was reading Diana Wynne Jones description of Tolkien, who she had the privilege of taking a class from in the 1950’s. Apparently he […]
Strange photo, right? Last winter, in an attempt to save energy, I inadvertently turned off the heat. It’s spring now and the bathroom pipes are being repaired – from the outside… But see how the house is “stripped”, and now you can see underneath. Inside. The truth of what’s going on. Fixing houses. Making art. […]
Can you spot the boat? A small speck on the right, dipping into the fog. Almost hidden. The opposite of hidden? Open, honest. Vulnerable. Those are the words that are coming up lately for me. And I just read this beautiful (and long) quote by Gaimon and I cannot resist sharing it. He is talking […]