In the south when you can’t believe what you hear, or, well, even when you do – the answer is double syllable: “Wha-at?” As you can see, my well-loved (can you believe someone made these??) salt and pepper shakers are surely expressing this sentiment. And how àpropos that they are rising out of the sea, […]
parallel play
Here’s Rumi. No one here now to play Bananagrams. So sad. Everyone left today. When Krista Tippett gives her On Being interviews, one question she always asks is something like: “Can you tell me about your childhood experience of religion or spirituality.” She is looking for how that has influenced the interviewee’s life. I hadn’t […]
Nika turns 30 today! To celebrate her birthday here, she and Scott drove from Maine on Friday. I picked up her friend, Clarissa, that same evening – she had flown WOW Airlines to get to the US from Ireland. And last night, 2 more friends drove 9 hours from Philadelphia. In addition, Ariella and her […]
holes again
This is what every living being should be doing after all the snow and more snow we’ve had. Is it snowing right now? Don’t ask. Much more interesting is to talk about… holes. Well, kind of about holes. I ran across this great quote in an Pico Iyer book. His friend is speaking to him: […]
part of the problem
I bought daffodils. So luminous when seen in February in NH. I used to live in Virginia; “Virgeenia”, where spring came MUCH sooner. And today – one day that it is good weather – I took off in my car : to Boston and back in one fell swoop after the terrible snow storm that […]
(This is an overview, with at least one hole. It’s not well photographed – some are up close, some further back. And the color – much duller here. But for my dear friends who wanted to see more of the larger picture, here it is~) Earlier, I was at the dump – excuse me, “transfer […]
next please
You love snow. You love winter. And then comes the day when you have shoveled this set of stairs – piled to the top – already 3 times today. Drat the snow. More so, drat the wind! And you go: “Next please!” You’re so ready for the next season. And then, you know, summer will […]
Weather: One snow flake after another. So innocent. But then, how they add up and … need to be arranged. Some of the snow gets piled in drifts alongside. And that piling takes its own sweet time. And with my art. All these little squares. They also add up and need arranging. When Jan was […]
Snow. Lots of snow. More snow. Wind. Ducks. And it’s just past the full moon. Valentine’s Day coming. Is this why my mind left “art think” and went on a sidetrack with my recent blog on dangling participles? It took me to the story of my sister, Nin, (Nin Andrews, look her up!) when she […]
……………………(not my rescuers) This morning I got stuck. Stuck in the darn snow. At dawn – barely light out. I had backed in over this icy embankment, JUST off the road, but my car was not going to go forward and get me out of there. No way. So, on this lonely back road, I […]