warm heart
What’s sensuality without a warm heart? May your 2017 be filled with all your heart’s desires: peace, fullfilment, love, wildly fun times, unexpected joy, total irreverence, and … oh, did I mention chocolate?
Look at this snow. Look how it drapes and smooths and sculpts the shapes that can carry it’s load. It’s deliciously sensual. It’s deliciously inspirational. And the timing? Right when it’s the moment to consider the resolution for 2017. I think the message is VERY CLEAR: 2017: all about sensuality. Be sensual. All the time. […]
white. white?
morning lake lake at noon late afternoon lake What color is white anyway? Quintessentially white snow teases me endlessly. The forecast is for loads of this white stuff. I kind of live “up there”. Not “up there” for local New Hampshire folk who get away 2 hours’ drive north of here. But this place is […]
What is quiet without a little hustle/bustle/noise and ridiculousness as interruption? What is all that whiteness outside without the black pup, white-ish pup and smiling Hunter? Not to mention that art – being knocked about midst it all. Yay for contrast! (and for the Christmas tree)
background defines
As an artist, I sometimes encounter these delicious flashes, an “a-ha!” revelation. For example, I remember the specific time when I was doing a drawing of a chair, and I realized that if I filled in the background surrounding it, charcoaled in all that space – what’s left is the chair, defined by its background. […]
either and
Footprints. On the lake side, there is the sweet mink dropping by. Don’t you love the delicacy? On the other side, evidence of… me and the 2 pooches. Big difference. But then, these 2 little beings bring me a lot of love and joy. I take the invitation from the mink – let me be […]
black and white
In Instagram, you can choose a filter for the way you want to see your photo. In New England, I’m in some larger “Instagram” – and today it’s the moon filter. I love that I get to watch the world change, that I’m not making the choice. It must be one reason I love New […]
ring around the moon
The camera didn’t completely capture the colors of the rings around the moon – they were much more orange. Captivating. My attention is constantly on nature: the weather, the moon, now the snow. And today, yes, it’s snowing. One snow flake after another. The innocence of it all. And then, the reactive response, all the […]
The temperature went below zero last night. In this kind of weather (girl from the south speaking), I feel like I’m accomplishing something getting the wood in and the snow clear – just staying warm. Even my art looks like: maybe it’s better to not be on the ice today… let’s just peer out at […]
snow’s offerings
It snowed yesterday – notice the blurry outdoors light. A lot of the snow blew off the dock, but enough remained today to capture the footprints of my local mink. I loved that he climbed the ladder (!) and then plunked back into the lake, which has yet to freeze over.